Horse Patrol
Who we are:
The Midian Horse Patrol are a parade unit of Midian Shrine.
Annual dues are $20.
When do we meet:
The Midian Horse Patrol are a parade unit of Midian Shrine. We meet on the second Thursday of every month at Midian at 7:00 p.m.
What we do:
We are honored to sponsor a Kansas Shrine Bowl player each year in “Helping the Children”
Midian’s Annual “Sportsmen” event is an event that we participate in all phases as well as the Holiday Feztival of Trees.
We are proud to be annual donors to the Plane of Mercy for the Children and to the Sunshine Fund for our Brothers.
We enjoy our Family and Social events that we enjoy are attending Prairie Rose Mosley Street Drama Prairie Pines and various other selected locations.
How to Join:
Contact a member of the Horse Patrol to join.