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2023 Divan

Bob and Amanda Bair.jpg


Bob Bair

Lady Amanda

Harold and Phylis Brewer.jpg

Chief Rabban

Harold Brewer

Lady Phylis

Jim and Angela Hallberg.jpg

Oriental Guide

Jim Hallberg

Lady Angela

Francis and Sunni Chaplin.jpg

Ceremonial Director

Francis Chaplin

Lady Sunni

Ron Parker and Michelle Morales.jpg


Ron Parker

Lady Michelle

Ian and Paula Cazabat.jpg


Ian Cazabat

Lady Paula

Eli and Sherri Erving.jpg


Eli Irvin

Lady Sharee

Scott Shirkey.jpg

Assistant Rabban

Scott Shirkey

Ron and Bonnie Capps.jpg


Ron Capps P.P.

Lady Bonnie

Glenn and Michelle Davis.jpg

1st Ceremonial Master

Glenn Davis

Lady Michelle

Doug Chartier and Dina Rosales.jpg

Captain of the Guard

Doug Chartier

Lady Dina

Lou and Sue Sheets.jpg


Lou Sheets

Lady Sue

Richard and Trish Steele.jpg

High Priest & PROPHET

Richard Steele

Lady Trish

Wayne and Terri Wells.jpg


Wayne Wells

Lady Terri

Bill Bair and Janet Hansen.jpg

2nd Ceremonial Master

Bill Bair

Lady Janet

Roth and Connie Christopherson.jpg

Outer Guard

Roth Christopherson

Lady Connie

Ray and Diana Richecky.jpg


Ray Richecky

Lady Diana

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