Million Dollar Band
The Midian Shrine Band was formed in 1910, two years after the Midian Shrine was founded, and was chartered in 1915. The band was renamed “The Midian Shrine Million Dollar Band” as a result of selling over a million dollars worth of Liberty Bonds during World War I. The band started with 20 members and has had a membership as high as 80 members. Except for a short time the band has been performing continually since it was founded.
Concert Band - The concert band is our primary band currently consisting of 21 musicians. Ms. Tia Ruder is director of the concert band. This band plays a variety of music from overtures to popular show tunes and a lot of Sousa Marches. Many guests join us to perform at various functions.
Polkatz - An auxiliary group of the Million Dollar Band which consisting of 10 to 14 members and has been performing since founded in 1975. The band is directed by Steve Schmitter and performs at many local nursing home facilities, Oktoberfest, and other events. This band plays Polkas, Waltzes, and March music.
DixieKatz - Another auxiliary group of the Million Dollar Band consisting of 7 to 10 members. This group was formed by the late Dick Cory in 1996. Rick Milhon is the director. The band plays lively Dixieland music and has performed with Sweet Adelines and the Wichita Symphony Orchestra.