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Who Are We:

Midian Nomads are an active non-parade unit of the Midian Shriners in Wichita, KS. 

What We Do:

Our principal purpose is to camp-out through the Spring and Fall camping season (April - October) and share our varied interest in the outdoors.

Our camping routine is varied due to occasional events with our Midian Shrine activities but typically we camp out on the 2 nd weekend of every month (Friday – Saturday) except from November through March. When we then meet on the 3 rd Thursday of the month at Midian for our meeting of friendship and fellowship. Currently we are camping at Spring Lake RV Resort just north of Halstead, KS.

How to Join:

It doesn’t cost anything to be a member of the Nomads just come and join us. All it takes to join is to arrive up to one of our campouts. 

More Information:

We don’t have a formal uniform, but we do have our Nomad “T” shirts and caps available if desired.

A typical Friday would include charcoaling your favorite meats on the provided large grille and dining in the community building. After dinner, there are board games, card games and whatever you choose to do. Spring Lake does have Fishing, a Nature Trail, Nature Walk, Mini-Golf, Shuffleboard, Pickleball, a Playground and Swimming pool available for our use.

Saturday mornings begin with breakfast by the Ladies of the Oriental Shrine then after lunch we hold our business meeting and live auction. Our auction entails with everybody bringing something of modest value to auction off. These proceeds from the auction are for our units cost for use of the community building and our donations to the Plane of Mercy and various other charities. We conclude the evening with a community family style potluck dinner

concluded with more games and conversations.

Occasionally Spring Lakes has some musical entertainment, Soft Serve Ice Cream and Bingo.

Cost:  No annual dues

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